Why have people forgotten that money is made for us, not we for money.
- RATING – 8.
- RELEASE DATE -SEP 17/ 2021
As we all know that there are many things in the world which are important for our life, without which our life can become stagnant, similarly games are also an important part of our life. Although we play or not, almost all humans are associated with some game or the other.
Let’s talk about the squid game which has created history in the world today. Yes, the squid game presented by Netflix in 2021. This web series made in South Korea has created a ruckus in the world of games. This series shows how interesting the forgotten games of children are. Adults have to play these children’s games. The game is very easy, follow its rules, and if you do not do so, you are out of the game…..and out means “death”. Yes, this is the rule of this game.

We all know that Netflix has become the world’s biggest entertainment hub today. Let’s talk about “squid game season 1”. A team of 456 players reaches somewhere far away in the ocean where arrangements for their accommodation, food and playing have been made in a very unique way. So many players will play and only one will win. Let’s talk about their place which is important, it is decorated with such beautiful colors that you will keep looking at it. Red and green colors have been used especially. The game begins and in the first round itself about 200 players are eliminated, meaning they are killed on losing. The rule of this game here is that whoever loses is dead. This first round shakes everyone’s mind when everyone finds themselves in the jaws of death, they come to know that one has to win and 455 have to lose……means 455 have to die.
Now everyone understands that everyone has to die then who will want to play, so everyone together decides to stop this game here…..???? But,,, the worst thing in the world is debt. All the people who have been brought to play are all in debt and are craving for money, when the prize money is shown then everyone’s mouth is left open, it is such a huge amount that they had never even imagined.
Now all of them think that if we go out then the debtor will kill us, useless life, no respect and no one to love, and if we win here then all the problems of life will end. In the end everyone sees a ray of hope in the squid game and everyone agrees to play.
Now everyone knows that when the loser is killed, everyone becomes alert. In Netflix’s superhit web series squid game season 1, the change that happens inside a person with time has been shown very well, when there is a threat to one’s own life, even a good friend becomes an enemy. In this situation, strangers also become our own, and our own become strangers. What a person thinks when he is about to die in the end, you will get to see this in this series. In this series, you will find all the actors new. You will not find any character that you will already know, so you cannot connect with anyone. You will feel pity for someone and anger on someone. You will also find someone whom you would like to kill yourself…..!
‘Squid Game’ is the most watched show on Netflix for 4 weeks so far
The game goes on, people keep decreasing, in the end only two friends reach, and the victory is of the one who gives more importance to his friendship than money. In the end the conclusion is that the person who is able to keep his mind calm, his brain under control, and maintain his humanity and compassion in any situation… then he can come out of even the biggest trouble.
Squid Game Season 2 Coming 26th December 2024

Netflix Squid show which created a stir by playing the game of death in 2021 is coming back again on 26th December 2024.If money…